Adventure Kit Challenge

Making Of / 14 June 2022

Making of SketchFab Challenge (Adventure Kit):

Scene represents mobile house with all items required for ultimate adventure…

… the adventurer is somewhere close by, playing a guitar…


I have created this scene base on illustration of Mr. Thomas Jammes concept artist & illustrator (used with permission).

=> Scene completed 29-06-2022 ... total polygons (35277); total vertices (35136).


=> progress 27-06-2022 ... total polygons (30657); total vertices (30424) so far.

=> progress 24-06-2022 ... total polygons (12148); total vertices (11760) so far.

=> progress 19-06-2022... poor donkey got some heavy furniture on his back...

=> progress 17-06-2022... saddle and the base.... and, some improvement to donkey (legs). Saddle: polygons (3353), vertices (2867).

=> progress 14-06-2022... donkey, the one carrying the Adventurers Kit.
Donkey: polygons (1958), vertices (1974).


3D-ifying Game Character as per Concept Art

Making Of / 22 January 2022

Progress update (01.05.2022):

While exploring some random ideas...One came up to my mind, and that is to write posts about work I'm doing right now.

The main reason for doing so, is to get focus.
Although I'm doing all this Art for fun and it makes me genuinely happy; in busy world, it is sometimes necessary to have focus on fun also.

If You are still reading, that's cool and amazing; I would be honored to get some constructive criticism, so feel free to comment...

Okay, what will I do?
I will try to create game character.
Inspiration for this character I got from concept artist Jaxon Keller, he is making really cool art.
Specifically I liked his painting of Samurai Squirrel which I will try to model. > concept art used with permission from the artist.

Ideas & inspiration to support original concept...

 22.01.2022 - 01.05.2022 Progress Album:
